This example requires that the HLS Recording is setup properly on the autoscale nodes. Within the conf/hlsconfig.xml file, you will need to define the following properties:

<property name="outputFormat" value="FMP4"/>
<property name="dvrPlaylist" value="true"/>

You will need to restart the server after making the configuration changes.

Subscriber SM Proxy Live VOD Test


When using Live Seek over Stream Manager, you must provide either a baseURL or fullURL to be used in locating the HLS file associated with the live broadcast that will provide live seeking capability.

Typically, this will be the location of a CDN that the HLS files are transferred to during a live broadcast.

  • baseURL will be used as the base URL to access the HLS file. The baseURL will be appended with the app context and streamName to form the full URL. e.g., https://mycdn/bucketname/
  • fullURL will be used as the full URL to access the HLS file. e.g., https://mycdn/bucketname/live/stream1.m3u8


On hold.
